Friday, 28 November 2014

Story of the Blind Boy

Hey, I found this story online and thought you will enjoy it. Especially the changed sign that changed the blind boy's fortune will help you see things a little more differently.

A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. He held up a sign which said: "I am blind, please help." There were only a few coins in the hat. A man was walking by. He took a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat. He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words. He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by would see the new words. Soon the hat began to fill up. A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy. That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were. The boy recognised his footsteps and asked, "Were you the one who changed my sign this morning? What did you write?" The man said, "I only wrote the truth. I said what you said but in a different way. "I wrote: 'Today is a beautiful day; but I cannot see it.'"Both signs told people that the boy was blind. But the first sign simply said the boy was blind. The second sign reminded people how fortunate they were to have their sight. Should we be surprised that the second sign was more effective?
Moral of the Story: Be thankful for what you have. Be creative. Be innovative. Think differently and positively. When life gives you a 100 reasons to cry, show life that you have 1000 reasons to smile. Face your past without regret. Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear. Keep the faith and drop the fear. It's a beautiful thing to see a person smiling. But even more beautiful if you are the reason for the smile!
Faith is not about everything turning out good. Faith is about being good no matter how things turn out.
I'll like to see any moral lesson you have from this story

Tuesday, 21 October 2014


Let the excuses go...the ones that have kept you stuck in a past you can not change while looking toward a future you can not predict. 
Give up the training wheels...the invisible walls around your own mind that have kept you in the safe, secure, shallow and familiar waters of your life.
Life will take you over some bumps, bruises, potholes and cliffs. 
Do not let these clip your wings, scare you out of living or shake your belief in the power of your own dream. No matter what your past has been, or where you find yourself right now...know that it is possible to laugh, love and live again. 

Believe that you can make a difference ~ right here, right now..with your voice and your story!


Wednesday, 17 September 2014


You have the power to live a bigger life.
Challenge yourself.
Take the risk!
Become daring.
There are things in your life that are no longer you and you know it in your heart. There is no law that says you have to carry the whole world on your shoulders. And the emptiness and lack of fulfillment inside is becoming too much to bear.
It’s time to take care of you.
Live your dream.
...Take off the cape!
Do what you know and not what you feel.
Give yourself a mental break and take time to get centered, grounded and reconnected with your spirit. Allowing your time to be wasted with people who are not serious is not fruitful and it’s stressful.
Take a deep breath and tap into the courage to make the tough decision.
Things might be difficult for a while, but don’t underestimate yourself.
You will survive.
You always have!
Life is on your side.
You’re more powerful and stronger than you give yourself credit for being.
No guts, no glory.
You have one life to live, live the life you love and love the life you live. Family and friends may attempt to discourage you. Tell them thank you, I got that, and move on. At the end of the day, it’s your life. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to make your life a daring adventure and to manifest your GREATNESS.

Keep in mind, it’s lonely at the top, but you eat better!


A ship is safe in harbour, but that's not what ships are for"
-William G. T. Shedd

You do not need more intellectual power but more doing power
What do you have?
Your dreams are held because you lack doing power knowledge, ability and action!
Think about all the training you have attended, what are you doing with what you have learnt?
Its in the DOING not the CV.
Little is achieved, when little is attempted!
What have you ventured with what you have learnt?
Do something with what you have, no factor is a reason for in-action.
It is not because things are difficult that we don’t try but we don’t try thus things are difficult. Dare!
What is that thing that excites you?
What will happen to you if you fail at it?
How about if you do not attempt it?
What is that dream that sparkle your day?
What is that one thing you will do today, if failure is impossible?
Start today!
Take your risk!
Project forward!
A life devoid of risk is very boring!
A life without a spark, is an ordinary everyday life.
It is not the gift that makes the man relevant, it is the man that the gift enviable.
Risk everything to become phenomenal.
Do you think your dream is impossible?
Impossible is something nobody has done that is waiting to be done.
Put what you know to use!
"Fortune sides with who dare"

Tuesday, 1 July 2014


Delegation (or passing down) is the partnership of authority and responsibility to another person (normally from a manager to a subordinate) to carry out specific activities. It is one of the core concepts of management leadership. However the person who delegated the work remains accountable for the outcome of the delegated work.
Delegation usually empowers a subordinate to make decisions, i.e. it is a shift of decision-making authority from one organizational level to a lower one. Delegation, if properly done, is not the same as abdication.
Abdication is more or less giving up or relinquishing ones responsibility, office and power.
However, the opposite of effective delegation is micromanagement, where a manager provides too much input, direction, and review of delegated work.
In general, delegation is good and can save money and time, help in building skills, and motivate people. Poor delegation, on the other hand, might cause frustration, and confusion to all the involved parties. Some agents however do not favour a delegation and consider the power of making a decision rather burdensome.

Delegation can be used to develop your people people and yourself - delegation is not just a management technique for freeing up the boss's time. Of course there is a right way to do it. These delegation tips and techniques are useful for bosses - and for anyone seeking or being given delegated responsibilities.
As a giver of delegated tasks you must ensure delegation happens properly. Just as significantly, as the recipient of delegated tasks you have the opportunity to 'manage upwards' and suggest improvements to the delegation process and understanding - especially where the boss could use the help.
Managing the way you receive and agree to do delegated tasks is one of the central skills of 'managing upwards'.

Sunday, 29 June 2014


We are not all born competent, we develop competence as we go on in life. Yes we were not all born confident, we develop confidence. Eventually anything and everything can be learnt and mastered. You can be much better than you are now, just give yourself to something, live on purpose, develop competence!
In life, Success is intentional, we must deliberately make up our mind to succeed! Success is a journey...
Significance is a pursuit, we must refuse to be satisfied with the Status-Quo.
Yes, we can redefine the status quo and break off the glass ceiling that was placed on us by whoever did.
Men's opinion of you is never your potential.
You are capable of more than you know, yes life can be better. There's a better level, and its time to advance.
Aspire More!
We need to grow from being blessed to becoming a BLESSING!
Lately, I got thinking what new skill, or competence has been added to me? Skill is golden!
Develop the skills needed for life to be colorful.
Our lives can be better if we cultivate the right skills.
There is always a better way to get things done. At some point every organisation reviews their policies, method statements, they audit themselves and overhaul their system for better efficiency. So?
What has stopped us then from asking ourselves, what's not working and why? what do we need to change?
As we enter another half of the year won't it be timely to do private, personal review of our lives?

We must focus on being productive not just busy. We should have something to show for our purssuits
What is urgent may not be important.
Understand that priorities and time management is crucial to advancement in life.
We must learn to manage our time to do all we need to.
I think its time to find out the areas of your life that needs improvement. We need to develop more capacity!
God has given you room to prosper, develop productivity!

Organisation is another skill that we all need. Maybe we need to ask more effectively,
what should be done? when should it be done? who should do it? how should it be done?
I think when we get better organized, energy can be properly harnessed and maximized.
We need to learn to develop systems that will help us to become more effective and such should be peculiar to us.
Organize yourself! We can all use the PDCA Cycle -Plan, Do, Control, and Act!
Do you know by getting organized, we could save for ourselves hours a day, and full weeks every year?

You know, one thing we can all do is THINK! Although it matters what , how and why you do so too. We can access our mind palace, and do critical thinking and information analysis.
Thinking is a skill that we must ALL develop.
We live in an information age. When you get information, we need to sort them and analyse them. I guess you know that what is important to you may not be important for another? So analyse and think critically!
Learn to critically think and analyse the information you receive.

When we think critically we can master the art of making logically informed decision making.
Decision making is knowing what to do... It is a skill in a world of so much options, choices and information
Take decisions that are good!
When we learn how to make decisions, we handle issues properly.
Every decision we make should be based on our core values, what we stand for, the very essence of our existence.

The society is governed by the constant exchange of money, so money is crucial and you need to know how to manage it. Probably, everyone needs to learn a bit of book keeping even to run our family.
Decide where you want your money to go, so that you do not start wondering where your money went.
Yes, we should be able to track every money that comes to our hand.
Someone said, we buy things we do not even need just to impress the people that are not even watching. Many times we do things just  to show we had arrived.
If you arrive too early, you will arrive too small! Hmmm! Daily I look for things to invest on, and multiply money.
Financial experts say it may be wise to invest a third of your income!

Talking is not cheap, and words can be of very great effect on others. Do you know that yesterday [June 28th, 2014] was exactly one hundred years in history after the world war was started by the young teenage assasin Gavrilo Princip, who fired the fatal shots at Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, it took words to first spread the war all around, that led to the loss of great talents and unexplored potentials.
Most of the problems in the world today result from misunderstandings.
We should learn to Speak clearly, and become Good Listeners too.

Anything done well is the result of
persistency, consistency, and practice!

It had been said that, he listens well, who takes notes. This is why the lost art of Note taking should be re-visited!
Note taking is a skill that we must all develop!
Learn to write, go with notepads.
Learning to take notes effectively will help you improve your study and work habits and to remember important information.
Someone said, "if you want to identify the most senior, knowledgeable people in an audience, look for the people who are taking notes and asking questions."
Everything can be learnt!

We need people in our lives, so we must cultivate and maintain quality relationships.
It helps us to get help and info
We cannot be an Island, we all need people, that's why we should close the door gently.
Do not deal with people just by what you heard, relate with people!

Learn the discipline of excellence, talking, appetite control, ...learn it and live it!

It takes discipline to develop your self Competence!

Monday, 24 February 2014


It is not because things are difficult that we do not try, but our not trying has made things difficult.

Do something with what you have, no factor is a reason for inaction.

What is that vision that excites you? What is that vision that you have always talked about? What will happen if you fail at it? How about if you do not attempt it?

What is that dream that sparkle your day?

Yeah! the best way to freeze a vision is to talk about it.

It is not the gift that makes the man relevant, it is the man that makes the gift ENVIABLE!

What is that one thing you will do today, if failure were impossible?

How long shall we postpone those dreams? ...IF NOT NOW, IF NOT YOU WHO?
START TODAY! Take your risk project forward!

Our dreams are held because we lack doing power, Knowledge and Ability requires action!

Think about it all the Training, Seminars, etc you have attended, what are you doing with all you have learnt?
It's not in the CV, its in the DOING!

Little is achieved, when little is attempted!

What have you done with all you have learnt?

We could be better and live a bigger life!
Challenge yourself!
Take the risks!
Become daring!
Dare to Succeed

Now, I guess am just thinking out loud to myself? If this was helpful please pass it on or simply leave a comment below.

Making A Difference - 1

I believe that every time we follow the leading of our 'giftings', we go somewhere nobody has gone and set a new trail for others to follow, as far as success is concerned, There is more to life than just making a living! We certainly need to make a difference with our lives. Our lives should make a statement to our world

The value our lives command is tied to the vacuum that our absence creates. Therefore, we must consciously build a great legacy starting
What is popular may not even be proper, so why do we get lost in the crowd? Lots of people have lost their relevance by following the crowd, in a bid to secure acceptance, maintain the status - quo, or secure approval from people that we do not really need to. Instead of following the crowd, why not gather our own crowd?
Do we really realize that "what is popular may not be proper"?

We must choose to take a stand, even if it means standing alone. In the real sense I feel that is what it means to be Out-Standing, i.e Standing Out!
We definitely need an 'unbendable' will to win!
We need to be part of the people who know what they want in life and also go for what they want.

Someone once said, "if your presence is not felt and your absence is not noticed, then your presence was not needed." Already, we are now missing some persons in different works of life, while they are yet alive.

We must leave a signature on earth that we were once here. We must leave foot prints in the sands of posterity. Indeed, to live beyond yourself is to live beyond your time, and to live for self is to live as a slave! You will agree with me that Mother Theresa needs no introduction. She didnt have so much money, but the world has refused to forget her after her death..

We must deliberately embrace the right influence and avoid the wrong influence. We must select our relationships carefully, avoiding those that violate our principles, and embracing those who reinforce our decisions.

Dont simply aspire to make a living, aspire to make a difference