Wednesday, 18 April 2018


Just a few random thoughts on Learning to LOVE
You know love can seem complex at times describing, distinguishing, discerning and learning to love. Well, we always connect, learn and share at IGNITE, and I thought to bring you in to a thought shared by Phil Drysdale.

There's this story he shared of one near-death story that has always challenged me.

It was of a guy called Bob Jones, who had a famous near-death experience back in the 70s that shaped him profoundly.

He had died and was about to meet Jesus. He was in a huge queue of people and they were all only being asked one simple question.

Jesus looked them in the eyes and asked - "Did you learn how to love?"

That was it.

Jesus then sent Bob back to Earth to teach people to learn to love and he had a great ministry for several more decades.

Now - regardless of your views on Bob Jones, near-death experiences, or if Jesus will be asking that question - I do think the question is powerful.

The Bible has a clear definition of love in 1 Cor...
Without envy
Never boasting
Not arrogant
Nor rude
Not irritable
Nor resentful
Does not rejoice in wrongdoing
Rejoices in the truth
Bears all things
Believes all things
Hopes all things
Endures all things
Wow! That's a tall order, right?

Then you look at who Jesus asks us to love!

Our enemies!

It's an even taller order, isn't it!

No doubt I am more loving than I used to be... but am I perfect in my love? Not a chance!

So that question could seem terrifying. It could fill us with fear. It could force us back into works.

But it has a rather different affect on me - it reminds me just how impossible this whole thing is. It's not something I can do in and of myself.

And that's exactly how God planned it.

I was never made to love on my own, I was meant to be possessed by Love Himself.

It's no longer I who lives but LOVE (Jesus) lives in me!

It's only as I learn to receive His love that I can love myself, others and God. (1 John 4)

So I like to ask myself that question often... "Have I learned to love?"

Because every time I do, I'm reminded that the way you learn to love is not by trying harder but instead ceasing from your efforts and resting in HIS love!

Hope this helped?

- Adapted for IGNITE Network from Phil Drysdale we connect learn and share!

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